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Meet the Makers: Joe

Meet Joe


How long have you worked at Nordic Ware? 5 yrs.

Your department/job: Metal Fabrications, as a Metal Finishing tech group leader

Favorite thing about Nordic Ware or about your job in general? The people I work with.

Favorite Nordic Ware product we make (or made)? ProCast Traditions Dutch Ovens and American Flag Grill Griddle

Proudest or most memorable moment during your time at Nordic Ware? Being a part of fabrication improvements to our Vibe machinery

First job/position at Nordic Ware? Painter in Coatings

Your interests/hobbies outside of work? Hunting

Do you have any secret talents or super powers? Ax throwing

Are you famous amongst your family or friends for any particular recipe that you make? If so, what is it? Smoked Pork!

On working in American Manufacturing: Glad we haven’t lost more jobs.  Hopefully we can bring some back.


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