How to Bake the Perfect Bundt®- Tips and Tricks

Nordic Ware’s Ultimate Bundt® Baking Guide
We understand the nervous feeling when you are about to flip your Bundt cake onto a cooling rack to reveal your Bundt design…
That is normal, and we have been through it many times from the amount of Bundt cakes that have been made in our kitchens over the last 75 years! With the proper steps to prepare the pan and cleaning afterwards, that nervous feeling goes away, and we know with confidence that the cake will flip out cleanly every time.
The key to baking the perfect Bundt cake with no sticking, sinking or cracking, is all about how the pan is prepped before baking. While our Bundt Pans and other cast aluminum baking pans are equipped with a premium non-stick interior coating, there are still important steps to take to ensure your finished cake is as beautiful as you imagined.
Whichever shape, style and size you choose, these tips and tricks we have gathered will ensure the absolute perfect cake:
Before You Get Started:
Gather all the tools you will need: Bundt Pan or Bundtlette, cooling grid, *baking spray, pastry brush, and of course your recipe!

Prepping Pan Before Baking:

- STEP 1: Apply a *BAKING spray, which is a spray that has flour in it already, such as “Baker’s Joy” or “Pam for Baking.” For pans with intricate designs, a baking spray works well to get into all the nooks and crannies. Spray just before putting the batter in the pan, and spray thoroughly but not too heavily, holding the spray can 8 to 10 inches from the pan.

- Step 2: Use a pastry brush to evenly coat the detail of the pan. It is best if there are no clumps or excessive amounts of baking spray.
*For another prepping technique, apply a thin coating of solid vegetable shortening (such as “Crisco”) or softened butter, then dust the surface lightly with flour. For cakes with a darker exterior like chocolate, dust with cocoa powder.

Please do NOT use a regular cooking spray because it tends to leave a sticky residue on the pan, and the cake may stick. The residue left on the pan may be very difficult to clean completely. If a cooking spray has been used, it will be imperative that the pan is cleaned with a product such a DAWN Power Dissolver or DAWN erasing dish foam. If the residue from the cooking spray is not removed, future cakes may stick no matter what the greasing method.
Recipes and Mixes:
Make recipe or mix: Most cake recipes and mixes will work great in our Bundt pans, but cakes that are heavy and/or dense will show more detail than light, fluffy cakes. For instance, pound cakes, Bundt Cakes and “doctored-up” cake mixes will show nice detail. We recommend using a mixer with a paddle attachment for Bundt cake or pound cake recipes as it helps eliminate air getting incorporated into the batter.

- STEP 3: Pour the prepared batter into the pan, filling it 2/3 to 3/4 full. This will allow room for the cake to rise and prevent overflow.

- STEP 4: Gently tap the pan firmly on a cutting board or towel-covered kitchen countertop to help the batter settle into the details of the pan and remove air bubbles. This will also help give you the most detailed cakes.
*Pro Tip: For super intricate detailed pans, let the batter sit in the pan for about 10 minutes before baking. This will allow the batter to settle even more into the nooks and crannies of the pan.

- STEP 5: With a spatula, push the batter to the outside of the pan pushing slightly up the walls. For a liquidy batter, just tilt the pan slightly back and forth so batter goes up the walls. This will help the cake climb up the sides, reduce the dome and give you a more even rise. It will also give you greater detail on the outside edge of the cake.
Baking Time:
Place pan in center rack of preheated oven and bake according to recipe directions.

- STEP 6: Test the cake for doneness using a toothpick or cake tester. Insert the toothpick in the center (not near the pan). If it comes out with a few crumbs, it’s done.
*Note: Pans with a dark or black interior coating will bake faster than lighter colored pans; simply reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees to accommodate darker coatings.
Cooling Time:

- STEP 7: When finished baking, leave the cake in the pan to cool for 10 minutes, then loosen the cake around the edges if necessary. Shake side to side a few times in all directions. This will help release the surface of the cake from the pan. Then invert the pan onto a cooling rack or platter and lift the pan off gently. The cake should easily release. For Bundtlette and cakelet pans, cooling for 5-8 minutes in the pan should be enough.

Video: Watch full how-to video for How to Bake the Perfect Bundt!
Decorating and Serving:
Many of our Bundt pans and designed molds don’t need any decorations. The details of the pan are the showstopper, so many recipes can be enjoyed as is!

If you plan to add toppings, be sure cake is cooled or follow the instructions of the recipe. Add your favorite glaze, soaking syrup, powdered sugar, whipped cream, piped frosting details, nuts, coconut, candy and more! The options are endless.
If recipe directions state to use remaining batter for a second bake, be sure to clean pan thoroughly after first bake. Dry pan and follow the pan preparation steps again and bake according to instructions.
We recommend hand washing for all of Nordic Ware baking pans. They may be soaked in hot soapy water for a while, and washed with a textured scrubber that is safe for non-stick coatings. You may also use a plastic bristled brush. In stubborn cases, you may use a special cleaner that can get rid of sticky residue, such as DAWN Platinum Erasing Foam or DAWN Power Dissolver. Avoid automatic dishwashers as the detergent is very caustic and can damage the pan’s nonstick coating.
For hard to clean, intricate detailed pans, use our Bundt Cleaning Tool or a similar soft brush.
Keep these tips and tricks saved every time you bake a Bundt or one of our cast aluminum baking pans and you will be set! For more questions and assistance, be sure to contact our amazing customer experience team of Bundt experts directly below. Happy baking!
Text: 201-949-7917
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