Category: How-To

Summer Berry Love

July 8, 2014

We just finished the last of the season’s strawberry crop from the Nordic Ware community garden.  Eating a fresh home grown strawberry just picked and still warm from the sun reminds me that’s what a strawberry is meant to taste like. Grocery stores offers gigantic, perfectly shaped strawberries that are beautiful to look at but […]

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Dutch Oven Baked Bread

March 21, 2014

A few years ago I (and most of the country) discovered the book “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. I love the recipes in the book and I think their stored dough technique works well. You store the raw dough in your refrigerator and make a loaf as […]

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Cookies to warm the heart and the home!

January 28, 2014

As a sales person for Nordic Ware, I get to meet with people from different parts of the country.  Inevitably, and especially in winter, they have lots of questions about Minnesota. Especially THIS winter. Today its -40 degrees with the wind chill factor. Which brings up questions number 1 – what is the wind chill factor?  (Answer: […]

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